Beyond the Buzzword

You want to start decolonising? 
you came to the right place​!

Whilst more organisations are approaching decolonising in their work, rarely is this approached from a decolonial framework. Often times, decolonising is approached from thinking embedded in the INGO sector, which can produce good outcomes but often fails to address the deeper underlying colonial structures.

With Beyond the Buzzword, we approach decolonising with decolonial thinking at its foundation. This allows us to think more critically and in an holistic manner and gives us the ability to think beyond some of the flaws foundational to work. For this purpose, we have developed an approach rooted in decolonial research and activism:

Understanding coloniality

Organisational review

Organisational review
highlighting key areas in need of decolonising includes review of structures and culture, staff interviews, project review. As is an overview-approach, it is both a great starting point to those new to decolonising, as well as advanced approaches that want to zoom out more and add more criticality in their approaches. All my research contextualises your work's in the context of the coloniality of power.

Research - work area

Research on a particular area 
of your work, to analyse the colonialities present in your work. I work with qualitative decolonial methodologies that centre lived experiences and intersectional analysis of power. All my research contextualises your work's in the context of the coloniality of power.

Research - topic

Research on a topic
engage in a review of the relevant knowledge and research.​ Drawing on a plurality of sources for a decolonial epistemic ally just approach to research. All my research contextualises your work's in the context of the coloniality of power.

Interested in working together?

Reach out for a conversation on your needs. 

Contact me