Beyond the Buzzword

Beyond the Buzzword is a research-based platform that aims to bust the myths that made decolonisation into a buzzword. 

Too often are analytical tools such as terms like 'decolonisation' coopted into harmful systems, and thereby diluting its abilities to disrupt power. A similar trend has been happening to decolonisation, which has been embraced by the humanitarian-development sector, however often without the knowledge to adress that what decolonsing aims to dismantle: the colonality of power. Beyond the Buzzword aims to change that, by encouraging critical thinking on applying decolonisation in this context through public education and strategic collaborations. Will you join me, in decolonising beyond the buzzword?

But why do we need to decolonise?

Whilst often explained as something of the past, colonialism and colonality rule our wold as much as in the past, and continue to evolve and adapt to our changing societies. As such, it is of critical importance that we gain a better understanding how we can recognise coloniality and how it functions, in order to dismantle this system of power. This is Beyond the Buzzword comes in. Whilst the platform has an initial focus on the humanitarian-decvelopment sector as this play a unique role in upholding colonial systems, it is a space to approach decoloniality more widely. After all, decolonising is needed everywhere to have more just and equitable societies.

The history

History overview

About the creator

Decoloniality is a common thread through the work that I do, an interest that arose from existing in the world with a Dutch-Indonesian (Indo) identity. As former INGO worker, I saw that decolonisation is often discussed tokenistic and incoherent manner and lacking a solid understanding in this sector. As a space where people often aim to 'do good' I see an opportunity to help people get closer to that, through an understanding of solidarity and collective liberation. With Beyond the Buzzword, I aim to provide more clarity on the topic and debunk misconceptions, an approach rooted in decolonial scholarship and activism, so decolonisation will become a tool again to dismantle the colonial system of power.

Charlotte van Braam

In addition to Beyond the Buzzword, I am an artist-researcher and educator. You can read more about my work, that is similarly inspired by decoloniality, on my instagram @CZVB.ART